Social media marketing (SMM):

Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites. Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. Social media has become a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with internet access. Increased communication for organizations fosters brand awareness and often, improved customer service. Additionally, social media serves as a relatively inexpensive platform for organizations to implement marketing campaigns.

We have been doing SMM for long time with reputed clients and we ca do it for you too.

We help businesses of all sizes with social media:

i-KRAB is a social media management company. We create and manage top-performing social media campaigns for business. Our company manages social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Youtube , Linkedin and Instagram on your behalf. We use relevant social media marketing strategies to help businesses grow and meet goals.

How our social Media team can help?

1. Creating page in all major social media sites
2. Gives regular updates on all major sites
3. Social media monitoring
4. Reporting & analysis
5. Social Media Strategy
6. Content Development & Distribution
Our social media pricing is completely bespoke and is based on your current situation and your objectives.
Contact i-KRAB today to find out how our social media marketing (SMM) services can help your business